


另外, 代码封装的SM3哈希调用接口参考了openssl官方的接口,完全兼容,无缝对接。会使用这里的接口,就会使用openssl的库函数接口,甚至连代码都不需要修改。



 * @        file: sm3.h
 * @ description: header file for sm3.c
 * @      author: Gu Yongqiang
 * @        blog: https://blog.csdn.net/guyongqiangx
#ifndef __ROCKY_SM3__H
#define __ROCKY_SM3__H

#define ERR_OK           0
#define ERR_ERR         -1  /* generic error */
#define ERR_INV_PARAM   -2  /* invalid parameter */
#define ERR_TOO_LONG    -3  /* too long */
#define ERR_STATE_ERR   -4  /* state error */

typedef unsigned char      uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short     uint16_t;
typedef unsigned int       uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;

typedef struct sm3_context {
    /* message total length in bytes */
    uint64_t total;

    /* intermedia hash value for each block */
    struct {
        uint32_t a;
        uint32_t b;
        uint32_t c;
        uint32_t d;
        uint32_t e;
        uint32_t f;
        uint32_t g;
        uint32_t h;

    /* last block */
    struct {
        uint32_t used;     /* used bytes */
        uint8_t  buf[64];  /* block data buffer */

/* https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man3/SHA256_Final.html */

int SM3_Init(SM3_CTX *c);
int SM3_Update(SM3_CTX *c, const void *data, size_t len);
int SM3_Final(unsigned char *md, SM3_CTX *c);
unsigned char *SM3(const unsigned char *d, size_t n, unsigned char *md);


 * @        file: sm3.c
 * @ description: implementation for the SM3 Cryptographic Hash Algorithm
 * @      author: Gu Yongqiang
 * @        blog: https://blog.csdn.net/guyongqiangx
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "utils.h"
#include "sm3.h"

// #define DEBUG

#ifdef DEBUG
#define DBG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define DBG(...)

#define HASH_BLOCK_SIZE		    64	/* 512 bits = 64 Bytes */
#define HASH_LEN_SIZE	 	    8	/* 64 bits = 8 bytes */

#define HASH_DIGEST_SIZE        32 /* 256 bits = 32 bytes */

#define HASH_ROUND_NUM			64

/* SM3 Constants */
static uint32_t T[2] = 
    0x79CC4519, 0x7A879D8A

/* ROTate Left (circular left shift) */
static uint32_t ROTL(uint32_t x, uint8_t shift)
    shift %= 32;
    return (x << shift) | (x >> (32 - shift));

static uint32_t FF(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, uint32_t j)
    if (j<16) /* 0 <= j <= 15 */
        return x ^ y ^ z;
    else /* 16 <= j <= 63 */
        return (x & y) | (x & z) | (y & z);

static uint32_t GG(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, uint32_t j)
    if (j<16) /* 0 <= j <= 15 */
        return x ^ y ^ z;
    else /* 16 <= j <= 63 */
        return (x & y) | (~x & z);

/* P0, Permutation 0 */
static uint32_t P0(uint32_t x)
    return x ^ ROTL(x, 9) ^ ROTL(x, 17);

/* P1, Permutation 1 */
static uint32_t P1(uint32_t x)
    return x ^ ROTL(x, 15) ^ ROTL(x, 23);

int SM3_Init(SM3_CTX *c)
    if (NULL == c)
        return ERR_INV_PARAM;

    memset(c, 0, sizeof(SM3_CTX));

    /* Initial Value for SM3 */
    c->hash.a = 0x7380166f;
    c->hash.b = 0x4914b2b9;
    c->hash.c = 0x172442d7;
    c->hash.d = 0xda8a0600;
    c->hash.e = 0xa96f30bc;
    c->hash.f = 0x163138aa;
    c->hash.g = 0xe38dee4d;
    c->hash.h = 0xb0fb0e4e;

    return ERR_OK;

static int SM3_PrepareScheduleWord(const uint32_t *block, uint32_t *W, uint32_t *Wp)
    uint32_t j;

    if ((NULL == block) || (NULL == W) || (NULL == Wp))
        return ERR_INV_PARAM;

    /* Array W */
    for (j=0; j<(HASH_ROUND_NUM+4); j++)
        if (j<=15) /*  0 <= j <= 15 */
            W[j] = be32toh(block[j]);
        else	   /* 16 <= j <= 67 */
            W[j] = P1(W[j-16] ^ W[j-9] ^ ROTL(W[j-3],15)) ^ ROTL(W[j-13],7) ^ W[j-6];

    /* Array W Prime */
    for (j=0; j<HASH_ROUND_NUM; j++)
        Wp[j] = W[j] ^ W[j+4];

#if (DUMP_SCHED_DATA == 1)
    printf("          W1...W67:\n");
    for (j=0; j<(HASH_ROUND_NUM+4); j++)
        if (j%8 == 0) /* line indent */
            printf("          ");

        printf("%08x ", W[j]);

        if (j%8 == 7)
        else if (j == (HASH_ROUND_NUM+4-1))
            printf("\n"); /* last one */

    printf("          W'1...W'63:\n");
    for (j=0; j<HASH_ROUND_NUM; j++)
        if (j%8 == 0) /* line indent */
            printf("          ");

        printf("%08x ", Wp[j]);

        if (j%8 == 7)
        else if (j == HASH_ROUND_NUM-1)
            printf("\n"); /* last one */

    return ERR_OK;

static int SM3_ProcessBlock(SM3_CTX *ctx, const void *block)
    uint32_t j;
    uint32_t W[HASH_ROUND_NUM+4], Wp[HASH_ROUND_NUM];
    uint32_t SS1, SS2;
    uint32_t TT1, TT2;
    uint32_t A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H;

    if ((NULL == ctx) || (NULL == block))
        return ERR_INV_PARAM;

#if (DUMP_BLOCK_DATA == 1)
    DBG("   BLOCK: %llu\n", ctx->total/HASH_BLOCK_SIZE);
    DBG("    DATA:\n");
    print_buffer(block, HASH_BLOCK_SIZE, "    ");

    /* prepare schedule word */
    SM3_PrepareScheduleWord(block, W, Wp);

    A = ctx->hash.a;
    B = ctx->hash.b;
    C = ctx->hash.c;
    D = ctx->hash.d;
    E = ctx->hash.e;
    F = ctx->hash.f;
    G = ctx->hash.g;
    H = ctx->hash.h;

#if (DUMP_BLOCK_HASH == 1)
    DBG("      IV: %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",
        ctx->hash.a, ctx->hash.b, ctx->hash.c, ctx->hash.d, ctx->hash.e, ctx->hash.f, ctx->hash.g, ctx->hash.h);

    for (j=0; j<HASH_ROUND_NUM; j++)
        SS1 = ROTL(ROTL(A, 12) + E + ROTL(T[j<16?0:1], j), 7);
        SS2 = SS1 ^ ROTL(A, 12);
        TT1 = FF(A, B, C, j) + D + SS2 + Wp[j];
        TT2 = GG(E, F, G, j) + H + SS1 + W[j];
          D = C;
          C = ROTL(B, 9);
          B = A;
          A = TT1;
          H = G;
          G = ROTL(F, 19);
          F = E;
          E = P0(TT2);

#if (DUMP_ROUND_DATA == 1)
#if 1 /* Don't show temp variables: SS1/SS2/TT1/TT2/W/W' */
        DBG("      %02d: A=0x%08x, B=0x%08x, C=0x%08x, D=0x%08x, E=0x%08x, F=0x%08x, G=0x%08x, H=0x%08x\n", \
                j, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H);
        DBG("      %02d: SS1=0x%08x, SS2=0x%08x, TT1=0x%08x, TT2=0x%08x, W=0x%08x, Wp=0x%08x\n"\
            "         A=0x%08x,    B=0x%08x,   C=0x%08x,   D=0x%08x, E=0x%08x, F=0x%08x, G=0x%08x, H=0x%08x\n", \
                j, SS1, SS2, TT1, TT2, W[j], Wp[j], A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H);

    ctx->hash.a ^= A;
    ctx->hash.b ^= B;
    ctx->hash.c ^= C;
    ctx->hash.d ^= D;
    ctx->hash.e ^= E;
    ctx->hash.f ^= F;
    ctx->hash.g ^= G;
    ctx->hash.h ^= H;

#if (DUMP_BLOCK_HASH == 1)
    DBG("    HASH: %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",
        ctx->hash.a, ctx->hash.b, ctx->hash.c, ctx->hash.d, ctx->hash.e, ctx->hash.f, ctx->hash.g, ctx->hash.h);

    return ERR_OK;

int SM3_Update(SM3_CTX *c, const void *data, size_t len)
    uint32_t copy_len = 0;

    if ((NULL == c) || (NULL == data))
        return ERR_INV_PARAM;

    /* has used data */
    if (c->last.used != 0)
        /* less than 1 block in total, combine data */
        if (c->last.used + len < HASH_BLOCK_SIZE)
            memcpy(&c->last.buf[c->last.used], data, len);
            c->last.used += len;

            return ERR_OK;
        else /* more than 1 block */
            /* process the block in context buffer */
            copy_len = HASH_BLOCK_SIZE - c->last.used;
            memcpy(&c->last.buf[c->last.used], data, copy_len);
            SM3_ProcessBlock(c, &c->last.buf);
            c->total += HASH_BLOCK_SIZE;

            data = (uint8_t *)data + copy_len;
            len -= copy_len;

            /* reset context buffer */
            memset(&c->last.buf[0], 0, HASH_BLOCK_SIZE);
            c->last.used = 0;

    /* less than 1 block, copy to context buffer */
    if (len < HASH_BLOCK_SIZE)
        memcpy(&c->last.buf[c->last.used], data, len);
        c->last.used += len;

        return ERR_OK;
        /* process data blocks */
        while (len >= HASH_BLOCK_SIZE)
            SM3_ProcessBlock(c, data);
            c->total += HASH_BLOCK_SIZE;

            data = (uint8_t *)data + HASH_BLOCK_SIZE;
            len -= HASH_BLOCK_SIZE;

        /* copy rest data to context buffer */
        memcpy(&c->last.buf[0], data, len);
        c->last.used = len;

    return ERR_OK;

int SM3_Final(unsigned char *md, SM3_CTX *c)
    uint32_t *temp;
    //uint64_t *buf;

    if ((NULL == c) || (NULL == md))
        return ERR_INV_PARAM;

    /* Last block should be less thant HASH_BLOCK_SIZE - HASH_LEN_SIZE */
    if (c->last.used >= (HASH_BLOCK_SIZE - HASH_LEN_SIZE))
        c->total += c->last.used;

        /* one more block */
        c->last.buf[c->last.used] = HASH_PADDING_PATTERN;

        memset(&c->last.buf[c->last.used], 0, HASH_BLOCK_SIZE - c->last.used);
        SM3_ProcessBlock(c, &c->last.buf);

        memset(&c->last.buf[0], 0, HASH_BLOCK_SIZE - HASH_LEN_SIZE);
        c->last.used = 0;

        /* save length */
        //buf = (uint64_t *)&(c->last.buf[HASH_LEN_OFFSET]);
        //*buf = htobe64(c->total << 3);
        temp = (uint32_t *)&(c->last.buf[HASH_LEN_OFFSET]);
        temp[0] = htobe32((c->total << 3) >> 32 & 0xFFFFFFFF);
        temp[1] = htobe32((c->total << 3) & 0xFFFFFFFF);

        SM3_ProcessBlock(c, &c->last.buf);
    else /* 0 <= last.used < HASH_BLOCK_SIZE - HASH_LEN_SIZE */
        c->total += c->last.used;

        /* one more block */
        c->last.buf[c->last.used] = HASH_PADDING_PATTERN;

        /* padding 0s */
        memset(&c->last.buf[c->last.used], 0, HASH_BLOCK_SIZE - HASH_LEN_SIZE - c->last.used);

        /* save length */
        //buf = (uint64_t *)&(c->last.buf[HASH_LEN_OFFSET]);
        //*buf = htobe64(c->total << 3);
        temp = (uint32_t *)&(c->last.buf[HASH_LEN_OFFSET]);
        temp[0] = htobe32((c->total << 3) >> 32 & 0xFFFFFFFF);
        temp[1] = htobe32((c->total << 3) & 0xFFFFFFFF);

        SM3_ProcessBlock(c, &c->last.buf);

    temp = (uint32_t *)md;
    temp[0] = htobe32(c->hash.a);
    temp[1] = htobe32(c->hash.b);
    temp[2] = htobe32(c->hash.c);
    temp[3] = htobe32(c->hash.d);
    temp[4] = htobe32(c->hash.e);
    temp[5] = htobe32(c->hash.f);
    temp[6] = htobe32(c->hash.g);
    temp[7] = htobe32(c->hash.h);

    return ERR_OK;

unsigned char *SM3(const unsigned char *d, size_t n, unsigned char *md)
    SM3_CTX c;

    if ((NULL == d) || (NULL == md))
        return NULL;

    SM3_Update(&c, d, n);
    SM3_Final(md, &c);

    return md;



