What other open source multi-user blog systems are currently available


In recent years, with the rise of social media such as Twitter, WhatsApp, WeChat and short videos, blogs in the web 2.0 era have gradually declined. However, blogs still have their advantages in some aspects and can also give play to its residual heat. Now if users want to build a blog platform like Blogger.com, what are the options?

At present, in the open source and support multi-user blog system, there are basically no other choices except wordpress. What oblog and lifetype you can find with search engines are basically old products more than ten years ago. However, the other scattered products found are basically experimental projects for individual users, which do not have any practicality.

Then only wordpress is left. WordPress integrates mu and supports multi-user functions, but wordpress was originally a single-user system. After integrating mu, although it supports multiple users, it still has great limitations. You can see for details. My previous article: http://en.verysource.com/woblog_en/archives/184.html.

Therefore, it is recommended to consider woblog based on wordpress optimization and modification. Woblog is to make in-depth modifications and optimizations for multiple users on the basis of maintaining the original characteristics of wordpress.

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