Plugins used in multi-user blog woblog


The multi-user blog woblog is modified and optimized based on wordpress, so all plugins in wordpress can be used. woblog integrates some necessary plug-ins, and these plug-ins are free, users can install more plug-ins according to their needs, but we recommend installing only the necessary plug-ins, because installing too many plug-ins will affect the speed of the program. Let’s talk about which plug-ins are installed in woblog, and the permissions of these plug-ins.

1. Captcha Code

Since wordpress does not have a verification code function by default, install this plug-in to provide a verification code function. Users can only use it, and cannot modify the settings. The administrator sets the settings uniformly.

2. Classic Editor and TinyMCE Advanced

WordPress’s own editor is Gutenberg editor. Due to usage habits and some functional considerations (for example: automatic download of remote pictures), the editor is changed back to classic editor, while TinyMCE Advanced is an enhanced function plug-in. Users can Customize your own editor in the settings.

3. Download Manager

The download function is provided, which is only used in the blog If users do not need to provide upload and download services, they do not need to install. The user can only use it, and cannot modify the settings. The administrator sets the settings uniformly.

4. Easy Watermark

The picture watermark plug-in can only be used by the user, and the settings cannot be modified. The administrator sets the settings uniformly.

5. ICIT Required Post Fields

The form verification plug-in, when the user publishes the content, verify the validity of the specified field, and then it can be published. The user can only use it, and cannot modify the settings. The administrator sets the settings uniformly.

6. QQWorld automatically saves pictures

Automatically save the remote pictures to the local, and automatically set the featured pictures. The user can only use it and cannot modify the settings. The administrator will set it up uniformly.

7. Rate my Post – WP Rating System

Evaluation plug-in, woblog adds a reward function based on the original function, and you can use points to reward user-created content. The user can only use it, and cannot modify the settings. The administrator sets the settings uniformly.

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