Features of multi-user blog woblog


woblog is modified and optimized based on wordpress, so it inherits all the features of wordpress, and woblog has been modified and optimized specifically for multi-users and multi-sites. It also has its own characteristics, which are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. It is suitable to be a blog site with a huge number of users. It is modified and optimized for multi-users and multi-sites. It can be used as a blog site like Blogger.com.

2. Super extensibility, inherited from the characteristics of wordpress, you can use all wordpress plug-ins, basic functions you can think of, can be found on the wordpress official website, so with woblog you can make almost any type of blog site, except In addition to text blogs, you can also do video, picture, audio, download and other blogs.

3. A wide variety of visual effects. Also because of wordpress modification and optimization, a huge number of wordpress templates can be used. The user has a large choice of options, and each template can also be customized by the user, so woblog can present a variety of Page style.

4. Ultra-high security, because it is modified and optimized based on the world’s most popular blog system wordpress, so the security is very high, and although wordpress is continuously upgraded, woblog will continue to be upgraded.

5. Better compatibility, can integrate other user systems, such as the user library of discuz, or the user library of other open source systems.

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