MSDN documentation states that for files larger than 4 gigabytes,there is the CFileFind::GetLength64() function that returns the size as 64Bit number.But the function just return a wrong 32Bit number. Damn Microsoft!
Solution: write a derived class(CMyFtpFileFind) from CFtpFileFind,and implementing the GetLength64() member function correctly. Replace this derived class with CFtpFileFind.
Last version:
Source code as following text:
class CMyFtpFileFind : public CFtpFileFind { public : CMyFtpFileFind ( CFtpConnection * pConnection , DWORD dwContext = 1 ) : CFtpFileFind ( pConnection , dwContext ) { } virtual ~ CMyFtpFileFind () { } __int64 GetLength64 () const { ASSERT ( m_hContext != NULL ); ASSERT_VALID ( this ); unsigned __int64 uRet = 0 ; if ( m_pFoundInfo != NULL ) { unsigned __int64 uFileSizeLow = (( LPWIN32_FIND_DATA ) m_pFoundInfo ) -> nFileSizeLow ; unsigned __int64 uFileSizeHigh = (( LPWIN32_FIND_DATA ) m_pFoundInfo ) -> nFileSizeHigh ; uRet = uFileSizeLow + ( uFileSizeHigh << 32 ); } return uRet ; } }; // CMyFtpFileFind